Welcome to Peter Lab at the University of Rochester and the MPI-EVA in Leipzig.
We are a computational biology lab, and we work on a wide array of statistical and computational population genetic methods.
Currently, we are in the middle of a (slow) transition to Rochester from
Leipzig, and are looking to recruit postdocs, graduate students
and undergraduate students
We are particularly interested in the following topics:
We are currently building our group in Rochester, and we are looking for motivated students and postdocs. Please get in touch if you’d like to join the team!
Undergraduate students at UR are encouraged to apply via AURA.
(Photo by Alba Bossoms Mesa)
Neandertal Admixture papers released!
Leo's paper on Neandertal ancestry in early modern humans was published today in Science. This was a joint effort with Priya Moorjanis lab at UC Berkeley.
Earliest modern human genome paper published
Arevs paper on the genomes from Ranis and Zlaty-Kun was published today in Nature. This study was led by Johannes Krause and Kay Prüfer.
New Preprint on PCA and F-statistics
Divy's preprint on the statistics on how we should do PCA to reveal population structure has been posted on biorxiv today. It definitely chances how I think about PCA; a main result is that we show that probabilisic versions of PCA are better at revealing population structure than most methods currently used
Divyaratan successfully defended his PhD today!
May 2024Preprint on Neandertal Admixture
We posted our preprint 'Neandertal ancestry through time: Insights from genomes of ancient and present-day humans' to biorxiv. The preprint has yet to undergo peer-review, but it was already covered by Nature News and Science News.